The Science of Luck – Can It Be Manipulated?

Psychologian Richard Wiseman has been researching lucky and unlucky people for decades, discovering that those who are fortunate tend to spot opportunities more quickly, make informed decisions by following their intuition, create self-fulfilling prophecies through positive expectations and maintain a resilient outlook.
They often view things from a unique point of view, making it seem like the lucky break was actually the lucky break. They’re skilled storytellers and focus on telling a compelling narrative rather than dwelling on what went wrong.
Manipulators are people who manipulate others to make them feel better.
Manipulators use manipulative behaviors to control and manipulate others, including gaslighting, denial, lying, blaming, criticizing, exaggerating, withholding information etc. These tactics have the potential for serious psychological harm as they can undermine one’s mental wellbeing.
People who are manipulative often have a strong need for power, control or resources. They may also struggle with low self-esteem and use manipulation to feel better about themselves or their situation.
You can spot a manipulator by paying attention to their behavior. For instance, if someone repeatedly says hurtful and insulting things about your appearance, weight, employment status or family ties they are likely manipulating you to make you feel insecure and inadequate.
It is beneficial to maintain a healthy distance from a manipulator, particularly when their behavior becomes habitual. Doing so will allow you to avoid any interactions that might exacerbate the issue and get yourself back on track with your own mental health.
They are people who like to be the center of attention.
These people suffer from narcissistic personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder, both of which involve an intense need for attention. No matter where it comes from, these individuals find it easy to draw attention upon themselves from many sources.
They tend to have an appetite for drama and may even be inclined to tell lies in order to protect someone else’s reputation. For example, they might fabricate a story that is clearly false in order to save someone else’s reputation.
Gaslighting is a technique commonly used to distract and annoy people while they attempt to uncover the truth of your story.
Manipulators often employ subtlety to prevent you from taking responsibility for your actions. Their typical strategies involve making you feel foolish and attributing blame elsewhere for any problems that arise.
They are people who like to exploit others.
A manipulator may appear to be your typical narcissist, but when it comes to their personal life they’re anything but. They use cutting-edge technology to get you to buy their goods but are more interested in what can be taken from you than what you have to say. The best way to protect yourself from such individuals is by making sure no physical contact occurs before any negotiation takes place.
To achieve success in any relationship, you need to recognize several essential elements. Most important of all is recognizing and eliminating the source of their mischief – which requires some self-awareness and the courage to speak up. Furthermore, being honest with yourself and others about what you truly desire from a relationship is paramount; this will be the first step toward building an enduring support system of your own.
They are people who are manipulative.
Emotional manipulators are skilled liars who know how to create doubt in your own reality. They’ll pretend certain events never happened when they actually did, or they may attempt to place blame for something you did wrong.
Manipulating in relationships can be a serious mental health issue, even if it isn’t intentional. Over time, even unintentional manipulation may erode the relationship and affect others’ wellbeing. Therapists can assist in recognizing and addressing these issues.
They can also teach you strategies for dealing with and overcoming difficulties. For instance, if someone consistently lies to you and refuses to acknowledge their errors, it could be time to confront the issue head-on.
At the end of the day, it’s your decision whether or not you want to continue in a relationship with a manipulator. Don’t allow your relationship to suffer because of their actions – if necessary, seek out a therapist who can help determine what’s going on and teach you effective communication so they don’t continue abusing you.